Citi Field or Kauffman Stadium for the World Series?

Before the playoffs began, my Dad, brother, and I went in together and got three World Series tickets. It was more than we wanted to spend, but it is theWorld Series. This opportunity does not come often for Mets fans.
I was so excited after the NLCS, I though about getting more tickets. They are quite expensive. If you want to go with a friend, it’ll cost you $650.00 to get a seat (plus fees). Seeing that it made me consider going to Kauffman Stadium for the World Series.
If you want to go to Kansas City, it’ll cost you only $360.00 per seat (plus fees) for Game 1. It’s much cheaper, but here’s the problem. You have to get there. The cheapest flight will cost you $1,027, so you’re going to have to drive. The trip will take about 20 hours (with stops). Realistically, you’re going to have to stay overnight.
If you leave Monday and stay the night after Game 2, the hotel will cost $39 per night or $117 total (plus fees). Dividing between two people, that’s $58.50 per person. While you’re there, you might want to go to another game. On Stubhub, an additional ticket will cost $359.00 per seat. All said and done, it will cost you $777.50 to attend two games in Kansas City.
Therefore, it would only cost you an additional $127.50 to go to two games in Kansas City. While you’re there, you can also have some great BBQ and go to the Negro League Baseball Museum ($10.00 admission). I know $777.50 is s lot of money, but if you’re shelling out this much money, what’s the extra $127.50.
If I could get the time off and didn’t have a son I couldn’t stay a night away from, I’d be making the reservations now myself. The only downside I see is you won’t be amongst Mets fans.