My Manager of the Year Vote

Unlike the MVP Award, there seems to be no guidelines for any of the other awards. Manager of the Year included. Typically, I have found this has been treated more as best record award more than a true analysis as to who performed the best.
The Manager of the Year is tricky because other than win-loss record, there really isn’t a statistic upon which you can rely. Sure, you can look at the difference between the record and the Pythagorean Record to see if a team has overachieved or underachieved. You can look at the utilization of shifts and defensive runs saved. I’m sure there’s a million other stats I’m not even mentioning right now.
There’s also the Dusty Baker issue. There are a number of problems people have with him as a manager. Mostly, people have problems with him as a tactician. However, what’s overlooked is how he got a lot out his teams like he did with the Giants. However, that same style didn’t work with the Cubs. Ultimately, what we learn here is that certain managers are better with different players and teams.
Overall, this is a subjective award. You’re really trying to judge who did the best job with the team he had. Personally, I think you can give this award to the same guy every year because baseball people tend to agree on who the best managers are. Unless, they have an uncharacteristic bad year or someone has a great year, you should vote for the best manager.
Overall, I think this one will be my most difficult vote in any particular year.