Look every kid is different, and accordingly, they are going to respond differently to different parenting techniques. This is no more true than potty training. Regardless of what anyone told you, there is no one size fits all approach. There is just whatever technique works best for your child. With that in mind, I’ll only offer one piece of advice to parents who are in the process of potty training their children.
Buy Crocs.
When you are in the process of potty training, there are going to be a lot of accidents. As a result, you may very well find yourself doing laundry near the levels you once did when your child was an infant. Underwear, pants, shirts, socks, and even shoes will get wet on at least one occasion. The underwear, pants, shirts, and socks are easy to clean. The shoes are a different matter.
If you are like me, you like the light-up sneakers because it gives you a (false?) sense of security when you’re in public. Run those shoes through the washing machine, and they’re most likely no longer lighting up anymore. Most likely, you will only have one pair of sneakers for your child meaning when those sneakers go through the laundry, you have to wait for them to come out before you go anywhere. That is unless you want to put your child in water shoes, flip flops, slippers, snow boots, or whatever else you have on hand. Depending on your child’s mood, this could lead to a temper tantrum or worse.
Now, if your child had the accident while wearing Crocs? You just wipe ’em down, and move along. That’s the beauty of these rubber shoes. They don’t get soaked. They don’t need to be run through the washing machine. They’re quick and easy to clean. It’s going to make your life so much easier during a process that can be very trying at times.
If and when you are going to start potty training, make sure you get the Crocs first. Let your child get accustomed to them, so when the time does come, it is not too many things at once.
Overall, Crocs have made the process much easier for me, and I hope it will make it easier for you as well.
In December, we fantasize about the cold weather and the snow. It’s all part of the magic and wonder that is part of the Christmas season. You dream of sleigh rides, curling up in front of the fire, and of course, the White Christmases. By the time January rolls around, the cold weather and snow is nothing more than anything that keeps you locked inside the house. If you have a toddler, you’re locked inside the house without a real outlet to let your child burn off all of that energy they have.
With that in mind, my wife and I made a concerted effort to make sure we signed our son up for something this winter. In the past, we had done Gymboree. However, at three my son is way too old for it. Frankly, around two years old, you are really at the point of diminishing returns. So, it was time for something new.
We debated on a number of different options. Swimming lessons in the winter are much too expensive. Gymnastics seemed like a good outlet to run around and burn off some energy. There were a few more options we inquired about, but ultimately, we decided to go with ice skating lessons.
There are a few good reasons for it. The first is the ice skating lessons near us was reasonably priced, and it included free ice time so the children can practice what they learned in their lessons. Second, ice skating is great exercise, and it is something more apt to tire our son out and lead to him taking a nap on the weekends. Third, it is a unique skill set that is easier to teach now when he has no fear that when he is older and may have some fear of falling on the ice. Fourth, unlike gymnastics, this is an activity he can do throughout his life. Fifth, and perhaps most importantly, this is something I can do with him.
Two notes on that. First, there is no way I’m ever going to try the rings. Second, and this is important, ice skating is not like riding a bike. I hadn’t skated in about 20 years, and when I hit the ice, it felt like it was my first time skating.
One added benefit we had in the ice skating experience was we spoke with one of our son’s friends, and his parents signed him up for the same class. As with anything in life, it is better to have a friend go with you than to try something alone. The lessons are going great.
The first lesson took place off the ice. The children were taught by the instructors how to fall. While off the ice, the children were also taught how they should get up should they fall. Lastly, they were taught how to balance themselves while on the ice. After that, it was time for them to hit the ice.
This is where an added benefit came into focus. The children were out there on their own. In fact, the parents were told to sit in the stands rather than hang out by the glass. The reasoning was they wanted the children to be focused on ice skating and not distracted by their parents. It is a good rule, but it was still odd to find yourself in the position of not being out there or being too close to your son. Ultimately, that is a very good thing. When my son fell, which was quite often, he didn’t look for me or my wife. Rather, he just got up, and tried again.
That brings up another benefit. Your child is going to learn how to do something without you. Your child not only is becoming more independent, but they are also getting a sense of accomplishment. This isn’t daddy holding his hands and skating him around the rink. It is him going out there on his own, falling down, picking himself up again, and then trying again. This builds character. It builds confidence. Utlimately, this is the exact reason why we want our children playing sports.
There is also the pride you feel in seeing your child succeed out there. Certainly, it was great seeing how well he did in his first class, and how well he’s doing:
I have to admit, part of me got way ahead of myself, and I was imagining him skating on the Garden Ice for the Rangers.
Overall, whether you have a boy or girl, ice skating lessons have tremendous benefits for both the child and the parent. I know this is something we will continue in the future.
Since becoming a parent, one thing that continues to bewilder me is the line of demarcation between movies Rated G and movies Rated PG. For example, the movie Finding Nemo is Rated G despite the opening scene alluding to Nemo’s mother along with many of her eggs being killed. Later on in the movie, we have a shark chase as well as Nemo pretending to play dead. Honestly, when you see a movie like this it at least gives you pause before bringing your three year old to see a movie Rated PG. Honestly, based upon the Rated G baseline set by Finding Nemo, you are led to believe a PG movie would include war and famine.
Thankfully, none of these were issues with the movie Sing.
When I bring my son to a movie, I typically have one eye on the movie and one eye on him. I can assure you he had no emotional reactions to anything in Sing like he had to those aforementioned death scenes in Finding Nemo. Overall, I had no issue taking him to see the movie, and we would watch it again. If you are looking for issues, they are as follows:
- Some scenes of stealing – there is an ape gang and the protagonist uses long extension cords to steal power from nearby businesses
- Animals crying – one was afraid of auditioning and one had a breakup with her boyfriend
- Bears threatening to harm a mouse and almost eating him
- There is a flood and a building collapse with the threat of animals drowning (they don’t)
- A minor jail break
There are some other potential issues that you will see elsewhere that aren’t real issues unless you think your toddler saying “Holy Moly!” One characters false eye keeps popping out, but it is funny. There are parents that are tough/domineering with their children, but that’s really just life. There are animals that dress up in speedos and leotards. If they were on people, it may be sexual in nature, but on the animated animals, it was amusing.
Overall, it was a funny movie with enough in it to keep the parents entertained. There was a wide spectrum of songs from Katy Perry to Elton John to Frank Sinatra. There were a number of moments with the mother pig that gave you an extra chuckle or two. Speaking of the mother, she created an ingenious way to care for her kids while she was auditioning that is going to make you go home and try to figure out how to put all of your child’s toys to good use.
Mainly, this was a really good movie to bring your toddler to see. The over-riding themes of the movie were to: (1) never give up on your dreams; (2) it takes hard work to accomplish your goals; and (3) overcoming your fears is a worthwhile endeavor. These are all things you want to instill in your children.
One interesting side note is since we saw the movie, my son has become re-focused in his love of music. He is now much more prone to play his piano or pick up his guitar at home and sing a song.
In the end, I am happy we saw the movie as a family. I hope that you get the time to go out and see this movie as a family as well.
Now that my son is getting older, he has become more and more interested in watching movies and different shows than just watching some clips of shows here and there. While used to get away with watching what was available on the PBS Kids, Disney, Nick Jr, etc apps, my son has developed more definitive interests in not just certain characters, but also certain episodes or movies.
That becomes an issue when a episodes is taken off of the app, or your so sees something on TV that never makes its way onto the app in the first place.
When I was a child that usually meant my parents would have to go to the video store (remember those?), or they would have to breakdown and go to the store and buy the movie. At different points in my youth, I remember having G.I. Joe, Gumby, He-Man, and Transformers VHS tapes. My brother and I would watch them over and over and over again. Harking back to that time, I actually thought of purchasing some videos to have for my son.
Because everyone first checks there for stuff nowadays, I first went to Amazon to look for the videos. During my search, I began to notice many of the videos I was looking for were available for rent or purchase as a digital download. At a minimum, I was intrigued.
One thing I noticed early on is renting the videos made little to no sense. Let’s take Finding Dory as an example. Right now to rent this movie, it will cost $5.99. For only $14.00 more, you can buy the video. In essence, the cost of buying the video is three rentals. If you have a child, you realize that if your child likes the movie, you are renting it three times or more. More importantly, if your child does like the video and you now have to purchase it, the cost is going to be $25.98 to you instead of the $19.99. If you know your child well, and I assume that you do, you will know what your child likes. If that is the case, just buy the video.
Now, the reason why buying the video for $19.99 is superior to purchasing the Blu Ray for the same price or the DVD for $2 less for a few reasons. First, with the download, you don’t have a Blu Ray/DVD that can be lost and damaged. Second, with the digital download, you can access the movie anywhere you want.
My family has a Roku stick which is transportable. I can use that Roku stick to watch Finding Dory in my house, my son’s grandparent’s houses, or really anywhere we go that has an internet connection and a television. There are also apps for your phone or tablet that will permit you to watch the video no matter where you go. And with that, you will always have the movie with you so long as you can get an internet connection.
Another advantage with Amazon is the daily specials they have. For example, I was able to purchase The Peanuts Movie for $4.99 when now it costs $14.99 (assuming you don’t have Prime or HBO). I was also able to get Finding Dory for $9.99. Fact is, there are always specials like this. You just have to keep your eyes out for them. Of course, with the Roku, you can create a “Watch List” which will alert you to the price changes.
Overall, if you are looking to get a video for your child, it is better to get it on Amazon Video and watch it on a mobile device or a Roku. If you are giving it to your child for Christmas, just give them a coloring book or something and tell them Santa also got the video. Trust me, they are not going to care if they get to play with the DVD or watch it on the TV.
This Thanksgiving, I wanted to make something with my son that was fairly quick and easy and something he could practically do on his own. The solution was a S’mores Pie.
The ingredient list is easy. First, you need a graham cracker crust. There are several easy recipes to make it from scratch, or you can just buy the premade crust.
Next, you need some type of chocolate pudding. If you’re making it with a two year old, I suggest instant pudding.
Last, you’ll need marshmallows. The mini-marshmallows work best.
Once you have these ingredients, it’s easy to make.
First, if you dare, have your child measure out the milk to mix with the pudding:
I recommend using a measuring cup that uses the precise amount of milk needed. I used a two cup measuring cup as the instant pudding required two cups of milk. As you can see from his focus, his eyes are fixated on the “2” on the measuring cup.
Once measured out, pour the milk right into the bowl with the instant pudding . . .
Once fully mixed, you’ll probably need to help a bit here, it’s time to add the pudding to the graham cracker crust:
You’ll need a spatula to scrape all the pudding out and to even out the pudding in the pie crust.
Once that is done, it’s time to add the marshmallows:
In retrospect, I shouldn’t have given him the bag. Fortunately, I had a second bag. With that second bag, I put them in a bowl, and I had my son cover the rest of the top.
From there, it’s time to stick it in the fridge until it is time to serve:
As it was also grandma’s birthday, the pie also served as a “birthday cake.”
In theory, you could use a torch or something else to melt down the marshmallows before serving.
Overall, this was a fun and easy way to let your toddler make a dessert. It’s also a versatile recipe.
For Christmas, use broken up candy canes to top.
For Easter, maybe use vanilla pudding and top with Peeps.
You could even do a more traditional shortbread crust with banana pudding and whipped cream.
Really, anything is possible even if you just want to do any type of pudding covered with whipped cream.
You can’t go wrong with it. Everyone is going to love it, and your child will have the pride of having made a dessert everyone loves.
To paraphrase the late great Ralph Kiner, I wish everyone on this blessed Thanksgiving a Happy Birthday!
My little guy was born the day before Thanksgiving, and for our first meal as a family, we had pizza and pasta (what the hospital offered).
His first birthday was on Thanksgiving.
As a result, each Thanksgiving is special. It’s a reminder that the holiday was the first full day our family was a family. It’s also a milestone on how much my little guy has grown.
Last year, I put together a Christmas shopping list for toys I either knew my son wanted or for items I thought would be good for a two year old. Looking over the list, some of the items are actually still good items to purchase for a three year old. Notably, I would say my son has gotten tremendous use out of his Thomas Table, and I presume he will continue to do so in the years to come. I know it is a big ticket item, but it has been worth every penny we spent on it (especially since we got it for half-price on Black Friday).
One note to keep in mind, avoid this year’s big toy if at all possible. If you have been in Toys R Us, you know the toy I’m referring to is the Sky High Bridge Jump Set. When assembled, this toy is eight feet long! It is going to dominate your living room, play room, basement, etc. With that in mind, you cannot keep it out all of the time, which creates too much stress and frustration. Just think of the amount of times you are going to have to assemble and disassemble it. Then keep it mind, it is the Track Master (motorized Thomas set) meaning your standard wooden Thomas cannot be used with it. Again, avoid it at all costs.
While I discourage that, here are some toys, I wholeheartedly recommend:
- Thomas Minis and at least one carrying/storage case.
- Thomas Minis Motorized Raceway
- Wooden Railway Expansion Packs and Sets
- Tumble Train
- Disney Pixar Cars sets or Hot Wheels
- Cars Playsets
- Busy Books
- Phonics Books
- Tricycle (preferably one you can hold onto)
- Big Wheels
- Scooter
- Roller Skates
- Helmet
- Puzzles
- Mr. Met
Not on this list, but also recommended is Play-Doh, Legos and Duplos, and books. Always, lots and lots of books for kids. In terms of books, I personally recommend a collection like you will see with Dr. Seuss. This permits you to get a number of books at a fraction of the cost, and it permits you to try to get your kid to read more than just one story over and over again.
Two other things to keep in mind: (1) you will need batteries; and (2) you will need a place to put all of this stuff. It may behoove you to give the carry kits as a gift or to get a new toy box.
While some of these items are more expensive, keep a look out for them at Toys R Us, Target, Walmart, Amazon, etc. this Black Friday and beyond. While you are out there this Black Friday, look for toys your child can use next year (if you have the storage space). You will be thankful for every penny you save on stuff like this you were likely going to buy anyway.