More Carlos Correa Non-News

Did Carlos Correa officially sign with the New York Mets yet? No.

Did Correa sign with the Minnesota Twins yet? No.

Is there another mystery team involved? Probably. Maybe. But, that team hasn’t leaked, nor has the supposed presence of such a team been inferred by Scott Boras or Correa’s camp.

Have the Mets backed out of negotiations? We haven’t heard anything about the team doing that.

Is Correa frustrated and considering backing out? Frustrated, but after two teams had issues with his physical, it’s very doubtful he’s looking to back out of contract negotiations.

Are people creating stories with new super duper reliable sources? It’s Jim Bowden’s turn.

What is there actually to report? Nothing. There’s really nothing to report.

All we know is nothing. The only parties who actually know something are being very tight lipped. Only they know of this is good or bad.

The hope is we hear of a deal being consummated at 3 AM with all of us waking up surprised and exhilarated. Until then, we wait until he’s a Met or not.