Reyes Virus Tracker

If you’re on Twitter or on a Mets related message board or comment section, you have probably come across the “Reyes is a Virus” Guy.  His argument is along the lines of the Mets, Blue Jays, Marlins, and Rockies haven’t won anything since they had Jose Reyes because he makes everyone somehow worse.  If I’m misrepresenting or simplifying it, forgive me, but I don’t have the patience to listen to his incoherent ranting.

In an effort to get some amusement from these incoherent rants, I thought it might be fun to create a Virus Tracker during the 2018 season.  After all, without a true scientific study, how can we ever decided if this is the ramblings of a mad man, or a prescient individual trying to stop the next plague:

Date Position Stats Score Virus Notes
April 1 PH 0-1, K L, 1-5 First appearnce comes in Mets first loss
April 3 SS 0-2, BB, CS, E W, 2-0 Error, CS in front of pitcher with two outs, out ended game winning rally