Advice To First Time Parents: Just Hang In There

One thing I find interesting the second go-round with a newborn is how things are both the same and radically different at the same time.  Some of that is good, and some of that is bad.

The obvious downside is some of the magic is gone.  The buzz people have about your first baby is precipitously less than the buzz you have with a second child.  However, I will say that the magic is still there for you as a parent.  Those milestones are still all the sweeter than they were the first time.

The upside is you are much better prepared.  The nervousness and downright fear are gone.  You know what is coming your way.  There are the sleepless nights and days.  You are going to go through an entire wardrobe each and every day between the accidents, spit-ups, and changing weather.  Mostly, it’s the sleep deprivation.

And we know the sleep deprivation puts a strain on a person.  You’re not you without the sleep.  You’re more stressed, and you don’t think as clearly as your normally would.  Yes, this will definitively lead to more and more fights between you and everyone around you – including your spouse.

I can tell you it’s completely normal.  It happens to everyone.  This too shall pass.

The second time around I know I’ve been much better prepared to deal with it.  Having been through it previously, I can take that deep breath and process instead of reacting.  If you know me, that can be extremely difficult at times.  That goes not just to me reacting to something a family member says, it also goes for things that would normally send me through the roof.

Really, I am much better off for having the first child because it forced me to learn how to be a better husband, and really a better man.  That happened because of the difficulties we had with our first son, and with our son not sleeping through the night until nearly six months old, we had more than our fair share of sleep deprivation issues.

You will too.  Just hang in there because in the end you will be better for this.  You will also have a beautiful child who is going to bring you much joy.  I know not a day goes by I don’t thank God for my first born, and the same goes with my second.  I cherish everyday with my wife and family, and I appreciate it all the more because of those difficult times that surround being a first time parent.

Times will get better for you too.  Much better.  Just hang in there.