Joey Votto Is Right

This wasn’t the Bartman Play. Unlike Moises AlouJoey Votto actually had an opportunity to make the play:

Votto did come across as a bit of a jerk with the disgust he showed. But, he has a point. The guy was a Reds fan. He was the same guy that would have groaned or booed if the ball was a foot in the other direction, and Votto failed to make the play. 

Most of the time when fans are that close, they lose sight of who they are rooting for, and they do all they can to catch the foul ball. Like it or not, sitting that close means you have to pay attention to when your team has an opportunity to make the play. If you don’t care and want the ball anyway, that’s your prerogative, but you do lose the right to boo when a player doesn’t make the play. 

As an epilogue, for those who have a problem with Votto, he did apologize to the fan and give him a signed ball: