It’s Just a Pink Hat

Today, baseball teams are going to take the field wearing pink caps and jersey. In the past, teams used pink bats. The purpose is to promote breast cancer awareness.
If you go to MLB Shop, you can purchase a hat, a jersey, or some other pink MLB product. Nowhere on the site does it indicate that any of the proceeds from the sale of these items go to anything related to breast cancer awareness, treatment, or research.
Now, if you like the hat or know someone that will, by all means you should purchase it. Just know that if you’re buying the hat, all your doing is buying a hat. None of the proceeds from your purchase will be used to help the greater good.
If you intention is to help promote breast cancer awareness, treatment, or research, please look into an organization that does that and make a donation no matter how small. Think about it this way, you were about to drop $37.99 on a hat – you can afford to send some of that to a worthy organization.