Someone Was the Top Banana on Sunday

This has been a difficult start to the season, and I don’t mean just because of the Mets perplexing series loss to the Phillies. 

No, with the early season schedule it has been difficult to watch the games. I caught Opening Day and Saturday’s game. However, I had to listen to the two weekday games on the radio at work. Today, it was a nice sunny day, and I couldn’t sit inside all day inside with my son. He wanted to go out and do things. He may love watching the Mets, but it’s very difficult to get a toddler to sit still inside on a nice day. 

So, instead we drove to the Boardwalk and had some fun. Through the miracles of technology, I was able to listen to the game on the radio. However, my main focus was my son. It has to be. I got distracted from the game. I was aware that the Mets were losing. I had a concept of what was happening. That’s the benefit of listening to Howie Rose instead of John Sterling. By the way, Howie was again great today. However, I didn’t get a feel for the game. 

Instead, my son and I were getting a good feel for the rings at the ring toss:

We were told that only 10-15 people win a year. We were told no one has won this year. We were undeterred. Unlike the Mets batters against what can be a historically bad Phillies bullpen, we came to win. As the Mets were going down meekly in the bottom of the ninth, a ring was floating in the air. When the ring landed, we were the Top Banana:

It’s funny. In 2012 and 2013, I couldn’t imagine listening to a Mets game on the radio when I wasn’t at work. My wife and I would’ve run our errands after the game was over. She would be rolled her eyes, but she understands. And that’s when the Mets were bad. 

Now, when the Mets may be in their way to winning another World Series, I couldn’t have been happier being out and about with my son. I’m thrilled to have this giant banana that I have no room for in my house. Normally, the Mets losing two out of three to the Phillies would’ve ruined my day, weekend, and/or life. Now, I’m very irritated at the losses, but I was able to quickly get past it because I had a great day out with my son. 

There are days where being a parent is trying.  However, an average run of the mill fun day like this makes it all worthwhile. You’re able to put things in their proper perspective. You can still enjoy your day after the Mets do all they can do to ruin it. Fatherhood makes you a better person. You get so many positive things out of the experience. 

And sometimes, if you’re lucky, you go home with a giant banana.