My New Jacob deGrom Ornament

Every family has their holiday traditions. One of our family traditions has been going to Hallmark and pick out our Christmas ornament.
There are many reasons why this tradition came to bear. Mostly, it was trying to create a tradition and memories stemming from my mother being orphaned as a child.
In some ways, that made our Christmas tree an album or time capsule. Each ornament was a representation of what we liked each year of our lives. It reminded us of who we were.
It was a tradition I was eager and happy to start with my boys. The tree has Thomas and Lightning McQueen. In recent years, it’s given way to Harry Potter.
One of the fun things is my boys actively look for ornaments they think dad will like. This year, well, they did a great job even if the timing was less than impeccable.
Exactly one day after Jacob deGrom signed with the Texas Rangers, I received by deGrom ornament. Admittedly, it was just about the last thing I expected to see.
It honestly took me aback.
It wasn’t just deGrom leaving the Mets. For that, I will always have the memories of his greatness. Fortunately, I got to share some of that with my older son. Unfortunately, my younger son is not yet able to appreciate it.
The ability to share those moments is gone because deGrom is gone. There will certainly be other moments, but there may never be another deGrom.
And yet, there was still this moment. This moment meant more than any of the deGrom moments.
My boys picked out a deGrom ornament just for me. My youngest was thrilled because he knows just how much I love the Mets.
My oldest explained how important it was to have that ornament. To him, it mattered that deGrom was a great Met. He will always be a Met. We needed to remember that.
And with that, he understood the tradition better than anyone ever could.
At first, the ornament simultaneously represented how deGrom just left and how my sons picked out this great ornament for me. Now, it represents how much my sons understand why we have this tradition in the first place.
That tear in my eye wasn’t deGrom leaving. It was pride and love.
Now, every year after we’ll take out the ornament to hang on the tree. Certainly, it’ll remind me of deGrom leaving the day prior. It’ll remind me of all of deGrom’s great moments with the Mets.
Mostly, it’ll remind me of this special moment and just how lucky I am.