Wishing Murphy Was Here Today

When I woke up this morning and went to my car to head to work, I noticed some droplets of rain on my car. Last night, there was rain that fall from the very heavens where Bob Murphy now resides.
It reminded me of those days growing up listening to Murphy call a game on the radio as my family was in the car, or when we had a barbeque and listened to the game during those hot summer days and nights. Undoubtedly, when there were clouds in the sky, Murphy would describe the high cumulonimbuses in the sky. On a day like today, he would say, “The sun is shining. The sky is blue. It’s a beautiful day for baseball.” It always was a beautiful day for baseball when you got to hear Murphy call a game.
The Mets and their fans were blessed to have Murphy call games beginning in their first season all the way until 2003.
His retirement would begin a three year stretch with no Murphys in the Mets organization. It lasted until 2006 when Daniel Murphy was drafted by the team. Like his predecessor, he left his own indelible mark on the franchise, but his stay was not as long nor was it as impactful. As the Mets play their home opener today, it’s just strange to think the Mets won’t have a Murphy there at Citi Field.
However, Bob Murphy’s spirit lives on. He lives in the unparalleled Mets radio and television play-by-play of Gary Cohen and Howie Rose. He lives on with his name on the radio booth at Citi Field. He lives on with every cumulonimbus that hovers over Citi Field during a Mets game. He lives on after every single Mets win when a fan looks forward to “The Happy Recap.”