Are You a Die Hard or Just a Fan?

I’m a die hard Mets fan. I’m hoping my son will be one day. So far, I think he’s off to a great start:
You know how I’ll truly know if he’s a diehard fan? I’ll know if he’s watching the Mets play in Atlanta over watching the first game of the NFL season, or whatever the equivalent of that will be in the future.
This Mets team is playing great. They all but locked up the NL East. Fans are delirious to the point that they think Yoenis Cespedes is the MVP. If you can’t watch now over a meaningless NFL game (especially for us Giants fans), you’re not a die hard fan.
Please note, I’m not saying you’re not a fan. There are various levels of fandom. It’s not for me to say if you’re a fan or not. However, I think I can comfortably say that if you’re not watching the Mets tonight, you’re not a diehard fan. You can be a fan, you can be a big fan, but you can’t be a diehard fan.
My little diehard fan and I will be watching the Mets tonight. I hope you will as well.