Ricky Henderson Used Steroids*

No, no he didn’t. There’s absolutely zero proof in my or anyone else’s possession that Hall of Famer Rickey Henderson used steroids. To make such a claim would require pure speculation of specious or non-existent evidence. That’s the point. I can use the same arguments used against other players to construct a narrative that Henderson used steroids.
In 1980, Henderson has his first full season in the big leagues. From day one, he had the look of a Hall of Famer. He was an All Star and finished in the Top 10 in MVP voting. Keep in mind, as a young player in the early 80’s , Henderson looked like this:
Look at how slender he was. Of course he was. He was a leadoff hitter who started his career with single digit homers and tremendous stolen base numbers. He had a 130 stolen bases in 1982 while hitting just 10 homeruns. At that point, both were career highs.
Henderson would go to the Yankees and eventually return to the Athletics again. This time, however, he would be teammates with two of the most notorious steroid users in major league history: Jose Canseco and Mark McGwire. He had a manager in Tony La Russa who actively looked the other way. It’s no wonder that in 1990, at the age of 31, he had a career high in homers at 28. He went from a 10 homerun guy to a 28 homerun guy. Because we didn’t know then what we know now, he won the MVP award that year.
Henderson would continue to be an effective everyday player until he was 40 years old. In his age 40 season, he played in 121 games hitting .315/.423/.466 with 12 homeruns and 37 stolen bases. Keep in mind, we know 40 year olds can never, ever be effective baseball players. Of course that season, Henderson looked like this:
Look at the increased muscle definition. He went from a guy who hit 9 homers to a guy who hit 28 homers. He is a guy that was an everyday player until he was 42. He played until he was 44. There is no other possible explanation for this other than he used steroids.
Why didn’t that prevent the voters from keeping him out of the Hall of Fame? Probably because this isn’t evidence. It’s pure speculation. Unfair speculation at that. Personally, I don’t think Henderson used steroids. I have no proof that he did. Any “proof” I have here is satire instead of evidence. The reason is because none of this prevented voters from electing him to the Hall of Fame.
However, this is what voters have been using to keep Jeff Bagwell and Mike Piazza out of the Hall of Fame. Both were contemporaries of Henderson with muscle definition, and yet they reserved the judgment for Piazza and Bagwell. It’s as inconsistent as it is unfair.
I’m in the school of keeping steroid players out of the Hall of Fame. However, I require proof that someone cheated. I’m not going to play a guessing game because if I did, I just as easily have used the same criteria to keep Rickey Henderson out of the Hall of Fame. Keep mind Henderson received 94.8% of the vote. That’s a very large percentage of people applying different standards.
For Hall of Fame voting, all I ask is you have a standard and apply it universally. There may be reasons to keep Bagwell and Piazza out of the Hall of Fame, but perceived steroids use isn’t one of them. It wasn’t sufficient to keep Henderson out of the Hall of Fame.
Statistics and circumstance guarantees Rickey Henderson used PED’s. 66 stolen bases at the tender age of 39, leading the league and all those young legs out there.
Anybody that denies the reality that Rickey used is not qualified to speak on the issue. The issue isn’t if he used, it’s why did he get a pass when others don’t. Kirby Puckett, Mike Piazza, Cal Ripken, and Bo Jackson all have damning statistics that point to cheating.
The reason why Baseball didn’t delve into the witch hunt is because they are trying perpetuate the myth of who and when steroids were commonly used.
Hank Aaron is guilty as hell, being one of a two of people to hit better than a home run every 10 at bats after the age of 37. Barry Bonds being that other person.
Baseball needs to address the history before I take their HoF seriously.
I honestly don’t feel comfortable playing the guessing game on who and who did not use steroids.
Rickey is in the hall of fame and it is an absolute Joke that LaRussa and Selig are too!
Just look at the bumps in home runs for Rickey Henderson—-
I am not a hater and believe Rickey should be in the Hall of Fame—But so Should BONDS and Clemens PERIOD!!! The Sportswriters who benefitted from the Steroid Era who looked the other way all of a sudden have opinions!! What a Joke and how Hippocritical!
1. There’s no proof Rickey did steroids, and saying he did is unfair.
2. I don’t believe Bonds and Clemens belong in the Hall