Trivia Friday – Mets Rule 5 Draft Picks

Yesterday, the Mets dodged a bullet with neither Paul Sewald or Phillip Evans being drafted in the Rule 5 Draft.  With the Mets having a full 40 man roster, they were effectively prevented from selecting a player in the Rule 5 Draft.  However, in the past, the team was able to drafted very useful players who helped the major league team.  Can you name all of the players the Mets have selected in the Rule 5 Draft?  Good luck!

Bob Moorhead, Aubrey Gatewood, Ted Schreiber, Don Rowe, John Bukowski, Richard Gardner, Jerry Hinsley, Robert Nash, Billy Murphy, Bill Hepler, Tommie Reynolds, Bart Shirley, John Sullivan, Clyde Mashore, Don Wilkinson, Wayne Garrett, Jorge Roque, Rogers Brown, Billy Smith, Charlie Corbell, Brad Knackert, Doug Simons, Mike Draper, Kelly Stinnett, Kevin Lomon, Kevin Northrup, Jim Baron, Jim Mann, Julio Santana, Mitch Wylie, Steven Register, Darren O’Day, Rocky Cherry, Carlos Monasterios, Brad Emaus, Pedro Beato, Kyle Lobstein, Seth Rosin, Sean Gilmartin

Frank Brooks